eiffel tower shone underneth me, we were just about to land in Paris,
France. “Paris, here I come!!!” my sister turned to pick up her
carry on, while she was not looking I took out my phone and took a
photo of her, well, I took a photo of her because she was having a
REALLY bad hair day. I sent the photo to my friends and immediately
got a reply from Caity, 'hey, where are you!!! Are you in Paris yet?'
I replyed 'hey caity, yes I am just about to land, gtg now, I will
send you some photos and more texts when we are at our hotel'. Me and
my family were going on a celerbration holiday, you see my sister had
just graduated High school, when we graduate we get to choose a
holiday place to go to, Next year it will be my turn, I have already
chosen, Italy, I new that I wanted to go there since I saw the movie
'Sabrina goes to Italy' when I was 11!!!
we got to our hotel, my mum said that we would stay here for the rest
of the day. And we would go sight seeing tomorrow, I was fine with
this, so was my sister, so guess who was all grumpy because of the
plane ride??? My Dad!!! He always gets grumpy when we go on holiday
and we cant go any where all day, he gets really bored and almost
always we end up going out at the end of the day anyway, even if it's
just to a park or a resturant. Well he was lucky today, because since
we had flowen in so late he only had to wait around two hours, so in
that time we all checked into our hotel rooms (me and my sister were
sharing a room, my Mum and Dad were sharing a room as well) and
un-packed, Dad watched some TV even though he did not understand a
word it was saying, It was time to leave for dinner.
had booked a resturant in the middle of the city near the Eiffel
Tower, it was called 'Trocodero'.
. .
be continued. . .
Copyright © 2012 by Anna
All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.
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