jumped as the house shook in the wind “wooh” that was a big
one.Once she had woken up and struggled out of bed, she wondered down
a short amount of steps and into a 1950’s kitchen, it was small
damp and dark. Her sister was almost finished a plate piled high with
waffles “you are gonna be late again Serena! “yea, yea I know”
Serena mumbled as she fumbled round the tiny kitchen for a plate, in
the background she could hear her sister muttering to her self as she
tried to tune the radio “where are mum and dad?” Serena asked “
their already at work” Cece grunted “aha, found the right
station” she said triumphantly “no not this again!” Cece was
listening to her favorite station S.L.
20 minutes later there was an annoucment made… “we are sorry to interrupt this broadcast…” “don’t be sorry” Serena muttered quietly to herself “SHUT UP SERENA!” Cece yelled at her sister “there has been a murder on 62th street, the name of the victim has not yet been confirmed, but for the mean while the police recommend you keep out of the street if possible.” “WHAT?” “62th street has our school on it, I am so going to check if school will be open or not!” “ not before me, one of my best friends lives on that street” “I didn’t know that Anthony Green-Stake Jnr was your friend, I didn’t think that even you could stoop so low!” “there is alot of things that you don’t know about me Cece… he is my friend and that’s all that matters now, give me the phone please!” “OK, OK you win, here’s the phone” Cece dropped the phone in the middle of the table “ oy watch it!” “soz” Cece replied sarcastically, Serena glared at her, picked up the phone and dialed the number “hello head of police here”…
Serena put her hand to the speaker “OMG, the head of police just answered the phone!” “WHAT? ask him why hes there OK?” “OK, OK SHUT UP”. “who is this and how do you have this number?” he asked suspiciously “I am calling to talk to one of my friends is he there?” Serena replied “is your friends name Anthony?” “yes it is, can I please speak to him?” “ sorry he cant talk right now” “ why not?” “bye.”
20 minutes later there was an annoucment made… “we are sorry to interrupt this broadcast…” “don’t be sorry” Serena muttered quietly to herself “SHUT UP SERENA!” Cece yelled at her sister “there has been a murder on 62th street, the name of the victim has not yet been confirmed, but for the mean while the police recommend you keep out of the street if possible.” “WHAT?” “62th street has our school on it, I am so going to check if school will be open or not!” “ not before me, one of my best friends lives on that street” “I didn’t know that Anthony Green-Stake Jnr was your friend, I didn’t think that even you could stoop so low!” “there is alot of things that you don’t know about me Cece… he is my friend and that’s all that matters now, give me the phone please!” “OK, OK you win, here’s the phone” Cece dropped the phone in the middle of the table “ oy watch it!” “soz” Cece replied sarcastically, Serena glared at her, picked up the phone and dialed the number “hello head of police here”…
Serena put her hand to the speaker “OMG, the head of police just answered the phone!” “WHAT? ask him why hes there OK?” “OK, OK SHUT UP”. “who is this and how do you have this number?” he asked suspiciously “I am calling to talk to one of my friends is he there?” Serena replied “is your friends name Anthony?” “yes it is, can I please speak to him?” “ sorry he cant talk right now” “ why not?” “bye.”
took the phone off of her ear and sat down at the table shocked “so,
what did he say?” Cece asked intently “he said that Anthony
wasn’t available to speak to right now then he hung up on me!”
“well, do you think that Anthony Green-Stake Snr could of been the
victim?” “yea, maybe it is a possibility.”
woke with a start, sirens sounded across the street “oy, Ethan
wake up!” she shoved her brother onto the floor of their tiny
shared bedroom “wha?, what is it Sissy!” “cant you hear those
sirens sounding across the street?” “yea, its probably just
another kitchen fire, go back to sleep” “no, these sound serious”
“oh come on Sissy, you always say that” “yea I know I do, but
something big has happened, I can tell!” “OK, OK lets go over and
see what is wrong,” Ethan struggled out of bed and onto his feet,
he slowly got changed out of his pajamas and into something decent
“OK, lets go, they wandered across the street to see what was going
on, their parents were already at the scene “MUM, DAD” Sissy
called over all the commotion “whats going on?” as she pushed
through the crowd of people towards her parents “Sissy, honey I
don’t want to frighten you..” “mum just tell me already”
Sissy moaned “I don’t want the ‘I might frighten you’ speech
again” “Okay honey, someone has just been murdered”…
Sissy stared at her mother in disbelief, she followed her mothers arm to where she was pointing, a large pool of blood was slowly worming its way down the side of the building from a window “w-what-t, h-how?” she managed to stutter suddenly Ethan came up saying the latest updates on the murder “the police have now identified the body, but are not going to release the name until this afternoon” their mother asked quietly “do you know what apartment it is?” “yes” Ethan whispered “86c, on the fourth floor” “WHAT?” Claire Fourtuna exclaimed a little to loudly “that’s the Green-Stakes apartment” Ethan stared at his mother “h-how that couldn’t be possible!”Claire gave her son a stern glance and then pointed to the window “well do you know anybody else who lived in that apartment?” “ummm, let me think, er no?” “precisely my point, so basically the victims could be either Anthony Green-Stake Jnr or Anthony Green-Stake Snr “
Serena and Cece Gasped as they listened to the 9 o’clock news as school had been canceled that day they were at home “the police have identified the victims body but they are still yet to announce it, they have released the apartment number though it is 86c, anybody who knows the people who used to live there please come down to the police station in Malbury crescent to be questioned “w-what so we have to go down to the-the p-police station where they take criminals?” Cece stuttered out “yes, well at least I think so we do know who lives in that apartment don’t we?” “uhhh yes?” Cece was shivering with fear she had always hated the station after she had been taken there when she was 5 years old because of ‘supposedly’ stealing a toy “come on it’s not that bad and we need to go down there”.
Sissy stared at her mother in disbelief, she followed her mothers arm to where she was pointing, a large pool of blood was slowly worming its way down the side of the building from a window “w-what-t, h-how?” she managed to stutter suddenly Ethan came up saying the latest updates on the murder “the police have now identified the body, but are not going to release the name until this afternoon” their mother asked quietly “do you know what apartment it is?” “yes” Ethan whispered “86c, on the fourth floor” “WHAT?” Claire Fourtuna exclaimed a little to loudly “that’s the Green-Stakes apartment” Ethan stared at his mother “h-how that couldn’t be possible!”Claire gave her son a stern glance and then pointed to the window “well do you know anybody else who lived in that apartment?” “ummm, let me think, er no?” “precisely my point, so basically the victims could be either Anthony Green-Stake Jnr or Anthony Green-Stake Snr “
Serena and Cece Gasped as they listened to the 9 o’clock news as school had been canceled that day they were at home “the police have identified the victims body but they are still yet to announce it, they have released the apartment number though it is 86c, anybody who knows the people who used to live there please come down to the police station in Malbury crescent to be questioned “w-what so we have to go down to the-the p-police station where they take criminals?” Cece stuttered out “yes, well at least I think so we do know who lives in that apartment don’t we?” “uhhh yes?” Cece was shivering with fear she had always hated the station after she had been taken there when she was 5 years old because of ‘supposedly’ stealing a toy “come on it’s not that bad and we need to go down there”.
gasped in bewilderment as her brother told her who had been murdered
“NO WAY, that so can’t be true!” Ethan sighed and slowly asked
his sister “do you know anybody else who has lived in that
apartment since you were alive?” “let me think this through, ooh
there was an old lad… oh no that’s the apartment next to them, I
know! a old man lived there when I was Five ha ha gotcha there didn’t
I” “how do you know that?!” “I did guides, we went to his
place quite often” “but your wrong you see he passed away Seven
years ago” “Oh No did he and I didn’t even say goodbye…”
“that’s beside the point, now do you see that it had to be them,
oh and by the way we all have to go down to the police station on
Malbury crescent to be questioned” “how do you know?’ “mum is
already gone down there, we have to take with us but we will have to
walk to his work first to pick up his car” “oh right, okay lets
go find dad then” they started to walk all around the murder site
until they found their father Cam Fourtuna, he was standing next to
the second in command police officer having what looked like to them
a very very serious conversation about the murder “I wonder what
dad is talking to the officer about?” Sissy asked quietly but
intently “I think it’s about his work you know how he is a
detective and everything” “yea” “well I think they are
talking about dads company being the ones who search for the
murderer” “hmpf, how can you tell from that?’ “uh, he told me
when you were not listening that he was just going to find the second
in command and ask him if they could be the people who search for the
guy” “oh right gotcha” “maybe you should tune in a bit more
so you wouldn’t get bad grades” Ethan Chuckled “Hey, that’s
not fair its got nothing to do with this and school isn’t even on
today” Sissy cried angrily “hey, not my problem” he replied
The Murder Mysteries
Copyright © 2012 by Anna Morrison-Hill
Copyright © 2012 by Anna Morrison-Hill
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.
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